Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is that Smell?

Here is a funny story that will guarantee my son goes to therapy due to parental embarrassment. We’re watching some TV before going to bed while on vacation. My husband, sensitive man that he is, after coming out of the bathroom asks me if I farted because the room stank. In case you’re wondering, I’ll tell you now: It wasn’t me! I tell him as much and that I thought it was something that preceded him out of the bathroom. We do know how to say such sweet words to each other, don’t we? But I digress. We look at each other a moment, almost perplexed as to the smell, then the light bulb comes on. We both turn and look at our son, who is sleeping peacefully across the room on his bed. My husband crosses the room and does something most parents do: The nose test. Poor man - our son had pooped his pants in his sleep, and hubby put his nose right there! This is funny to me because it wasn’t me. It’s also funny, in a not so much ha ha way but more hmmm interesting, is that our son, who just turned 2, hates to poo while he’s awake. He holds it in until he cannot help it any longer. I wonder if he even knows he did it?

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