Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Kid Stories

I’ve been informed that I can never say too much about our son. If you do not agree, stop reading here. However, if you just can’t get enough, here are a few cute stories about recent events involving our two year old son.
- We caught our son babbling in a sing-song voice, quite common in young children. What’s funny in this case is that he was talking to his food. He had little teddy bear cookies. He’d have a conversation, tell the cookie “Bye-Bye,” followed promptly by him biting the poor bear’s head off!”
- We are a family that likes video games. I have discovered I’m not half bad, and that I can get caught up in them easily. The other night, our son was watching me play and every time I died or did something bad, he’d mock me. He’s make that noise often heard say on an old game show when things were answered wrong. Not the buzzer sound, but the Wha-wha-wha sound. Then he’d say “Oh no!” What a goober.
- And lastly for now, we were out taking a walk. The sun was out and there were lots of little planes flying overhead. Every time a plane went over, our son had to stop, look up, wave and yell bye-bye. It was so cute!

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