Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Potty Training

I *hate* potty training. Its the devil's work. Seriously! Start with a toddler who *always* asks why. Follow it up by trying to get that one onto the toilet before he does anything. Nice thought. What happens is as follows: Diaper off, child takes at least 5 mins to prep the toilet himself and redo it for good measure. Child scratches butt which is poopy, now on hands. Hands touch toilet and other parts of body. Poo is now everywhere. Clean-up ensues. While throwing away disinfectant wipes, child pees 2 gallons on the floor. Shower, screaming, find missed poo on child, now under fingernails. "Why?" is the music you clean and cry to. = Devil's Work!

1 comment:

nounome said...

Let me just follow up on this...10 mins later, we had a HUGE poo from which we needed another bath because it got all over. *Sob*