Friday, November 21, 2008

JINX…not just a childhood game anymore!

1. A condition or period of bad luck that appears to have been caused by a specific person or thing.

Yesterday after a rather uneventful day, Brian turns to me and says: “Do you realize that Ethan was good ALL day? He had no tantrums, he didn’t fight sleep for his nap or bedtime and he was well behaved at meeting. To top it off he was actually asleep at a decent hour!”

Enter the Jinx. Guess who woke up at 11:45pm and again around 3am? Guess who had temper tantrums all day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Diapers and Wipes and Potty Training - Oh My!

About two weeks ago potty training started. Ethan really really wanted to sit on the big potty like mommy and daddy does. So we strip off the pants and undo the diaper and sit him up there.

Now for quite some time we've had a little potty in the bathroom that he loved to play with. He'd sit on it when I used the "big potty" and he'd put toys in it, he'd take the bucket part out and put it on his head...all kinds of fun stuff to do! Thank goodness he never actually used it for a potty.
But it's one of those nifty kinds that converts to a step stool when they start moving on. So we broke it down so he could use the step stool part of it to get on and off the "big boy potty."

This has been a huge learning experience for all of us. Probably me most of all, at least more than Ethan. He's got this thing down:
Step 1: Grab and point to crotch until mommy notices, then point to the bathroom and say bath.
Step 2: Run yelling and laughing into the bathroom and move step stool in place. Wait for mommy to catch up and strip me down.
Step 3: Have mommy help me onto the potty.
Step 4: *Sigh* Remind mommy to turn on the fan, hand me my tp and a magazine all with points and grunts...remember to be exasperated if she doesn't understand or forgets.
Step 5: Throw magazine down and demand another until all magazines have been read.
Step 6: Jump off toilet, grab stool, position in front of sink. Wait for mommy to wash my hands.
Step 7: Hands wet, no pants...QUICK run out of bathroom as fast as I can before mommy catches me. Enter "toddler temper" mode when she does.
Step 8: Pee on mommy while she tries to diaper me.

Need I say more?

Old McDonald Had a Farm...

...and so does our neighbor.

We had a late start to the day yesterday so, in the interest of making the meeting rather than scumming to the desire to stay home, we rushed around and actually got all three of ourselves out the door and on time...but no breakfast. Needless to say after enduring a very long morning meeting with a cranky, active and hungry toddler we headed straight home.

Now we know our neighbors, we like them. We also know that they have a rooster, something like 20 hens and a baby cow. Normally, these animals are penned up and even quiet. So often, out of sight, out of mind.

That said, let me set the scene: Mom is sitting on the couch, finally enjoying her coffee (Yes I can't believe I made it thru the morning without my daily dose either!), Kid is running around like a chicken with his head cut off, and wonderful Dad is making lunch for the family. He looks up ever so casually out the kitchen window and...

"HEY, there's a cow in our yard!"

What the...? I jump up, run to the window and sure enough there's a cow. So I think, hey lets go see what Ethan thinks of a big cow. We scramble into our shoes and out the door and meet the Moo-Thing. Now I know nothing about cows, except that they taste good and wear even better, oh yeah and they poop big! So picture us: we're outside with no knowledge of what to expect but we're having a swell time talking to this cow that decided to come for a visit.

Brian's inside on the phone calling all the numbers we have for the neighbors to let them know they had an escapee, then comes out to join in the fun.

So we start talking to the cow and wandering down the driveway. The cow follows. "This is great! We can take her home," I think. "You're sweet, but please don't poop in our driveway," Brian thinks. "Yeah, I'm outside," Ethan thinks. What profound thoughts.

Anyway to make this story short, she follows us all the way home, but not into her pen. The wife neighbor comes out and confesses she knows nothing about how to handle the cow, but hubby is on his way. Now again, I know nothing about cows. But this cow is big. Not fully grown mind you, only six months old and probably about 400 lbs big though! Yikes, thank goodness there were no potty issues. So we stand around and visit and help keep "Sweet Baby" aka "Sweetie" home. Hubby arrives and Sweetie starts braying. She loves her daddy.

Ethan meanwhile, has done it again. Made another woman fall in love with him. This kid...what a flirt. He's playing the "look at me I'm cute card" and we're sharing some neighborly time. It was nice to visit and I suppose I learned something: Cows are chickens! No its true! Ethan scared the poor cow. Quite amusing actually.

Guess it goes to show you just never know what might happen or who might show up.